
(Page under construction;
due to a change of my host and server almost all links, photos and videos are currently under construction)


Setup: prepared e-guitar, mixing desk, objects, computer, midi controller, 2 loudspeakers
Collaborations a.o. with David Dove, Jean-Luc Guillonet, Tomomi Adachi

For the Trio with Osvaldo Budon and Tomomi Adachi,amplified objects and live- electronics 
Untitled VIII
For the Ensemble Maulwerker, 4 loudspeakers and live-electronics

David Dove & Annette Krebs
  Concert: Fox & Newt, Leeds (UK) 2012
 Tomomi Adachi & Annette Krebs
  Concert: Quiet Cue, Berlin 2013
Jean-Luc Guionnet & Annette Krebs
  Online release 2015, Youtube


Setup: prepared e-guitar, mixing desk, objects, radios, samples/ soundplant, 2 loudspeakers
Collaborations and sound researches a.o. with Taku Unami, Sven-Åke Johansson, Anthea Caddy, Magda Mayas, Steffi Weismann (Duo Telefon) 

CD productions:
» Motubachii
» Thread
» VA – Fukushima!


Setup: semi-acoustic guitar, mixing desk, objects, radios, samples/ soundplant, 2 loudspeakers
Collaborations and sound researches a.o. with Robin Hayward, Ana-Maria Rodriguez, Steffi Weismann, Phosphor

Duo Telefon: » 

CD Produktionen:
Phosphor II
Kravis Rhonn Project


Setup: prepared electro-acoustic guitar, 4-track-recorder, objects, 1 – 2 loudspeakers
Collaborations and sound researches a.o. with Andrea Neumann, Taku Sugimoto, Alessandro Bosetti, Andrea Ermke, Burkhard Beins, Rho, Phosphor

CD productions:
A Duo in Berlin
eine gitarre ist eine gitarrre ist keine gitarre ist eine gitarre
 alessandro bosetti. annette krebs
Reduktion–zur Aktualität einer musikalischen Strategie von Peter Niklas Wilson,
 Edition Neue Zeitschrift für Musik:
 CD-Track with Das Kreisen
Septett Phosphor mit P1: Neue Musik in Deutschland 1950-2000
 Deutscher Musikrat/ Sony BMG

Further concerts and projects a.o. with:

Chris Abrahams, Ernst Carel, Lucio Capece, Johnny Chang, Peter Cusack, Rhodri Davies, Axel Dörner, Andrea Ermke, Daniel Meyer Gronewold, Chris Heenan, Marcus Heesch, Jassem Hindi, Christof Kurzmann, Les femmes savantes, Wade Matthews, Kaffe Matthews, Die Maulwerker, Toshimaru Nakamura, Michael Renkel, Olaf Rupp, Ignaz Schick, Christoph Schiller, Ulrike Sowodniok, Burkhard Stangl, Kazu Uchihashi, Birgit Ulherr, Luca Venitucci, Michael Vorfeld, Zeitkratze
